Seminar on Plan of Action for Scour Critical Bridges

Learn how to develop a Plan of Action (POA) for scour critical bridges in a 1 hour online class by the National Highway Institute (NHI). The course is free to Local Agencies and is intended to help Local Agencies understand the purpose of a POA, identify strategies for developing and implementing a POA, as well … Read more Seminar on Plan of Action for Scour Critical Bridges

Attend Caltrans A&E Indirect Cost Rate and Contract Audit and Review Presentation

Join Caltrans Division of Audits & Investigation’s for a presentation on A&E Indirect Cost Rate and Contract Audit and Review. Tuesday, December 1, 2015 Caltrans District 5 Office, Sycamore Room 50 Higuera Street, San Luis Obispo, CA  93401 9:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. Topics to be covered: FAR Compliant Indirect Cost Rate (ICR) Target Audience:  … Read more Attend Caltrans A&E Indirect Cost Rate and Contract Audit and Review Presentation

DLA Office Bulletin 14-06 Extended Another Year

After a review of its effectiveness, Office Bulletin 14-06 has been extended one more year. Office Bulletin 14-06: Review of the Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) Contract Goals and Good Faith Efforts – Pilot Study was originally issued September 24, 2014. As a Pilot Study, the bulletin established a policy for HQ review of the DBE … Read more DLA Office Bulletin 14-06 Extended Another Year

100% Delivery of 2015 Obligation Authority!

The Caltrans’ Division of Local Assistance would like to congratulate our local partners for delivering 100% of the 2015 obligation authority (OA)!

Approximately $1.19 billion of federal-aid OA was obligated to fund projects. This is the 16th consecutive year where the regions and local agencies have achieved 100% delivery of OA.

Through one of the largest and strongest partnerships of local, regional, state and federal governments, California citizens are receiving needed transportation improvements including local streets, bicycle, transit, and highway projects.

We look forward to continuing this partnership in 2016 and again delivering 100% of our OA!


Federal Register Notice – Open Docket for “13 Controlling Design Criteria and Related Exceptions”

Good morning all, In yesterday’s Federal Register, FHWA published a notice requesting comments on revisions to the 13 controlling design of projects on the NHS that require a design exception when not met.  Given the expansion of the NHS with MAP-21, this notice is more applicable to local agencies than it would have been pre-MAP-21.  Comments are … Read more Federal Register Notice – Open Docket for “13 Controlling Design Criteria and Related Exceptions”

Functional Classification: On vs Off System

It can be confusing trying to figure out what type of road is classified as an “on” system road versus an “off” system road. And what’s the difference between the NHS and the Federal-Aid System?

I’ve finally found the answers, not to mention a few minor torturing tactics that I developed along the way to pry this information out of my colleagues. But that’s another blog entry for another day 🙂 I hope you find this information helpful.

on vs off system


Streets and highways are grouped into classes based on the service they provide. The California Road System (CRS maps) display functional classification which is used in determining funding eligibility, as well as applicable design standards.

Additionally, here is a breakdown on Functional Classification (FC) by numerical value. They are color coded as displayed on the CRS maps.

A breakdown of non-State Highway NHS can be found here or at the Caltrans NHS website.

The NHS includes the following:

  • The Interstate System.
  • Principal arterials (including those not previously designated as part of the NHS) and border crossings on those routes.
  • Intermodal connectors — highways that provide motor vehicle access between the NHS and major intermodal transportation facilities
  • STRAHNET (Strategic Highway Network) — the network of highways important to U.S. strategic defense
  • STRAHNET connectors to major military installations.


Below is an example of a CRS map.

crs maps example

For more information regarding Functional Classification, NHS or the Federal Aid System, please visit: