Survey on Traffic Control Devices

Caltrans is conducting an online survey to help us better understand how agencies are using traffic control devices not yet formalized in the CA MUTCD, and how the experimentation process can be improved.

We have developed a short survey and would appreciate your feedback on this topic.

Please use the following link to access the survey:

DUE DATE – September 2nd 2020.


In 2019, the Legislature passed Assembly Bill 2363, which directed the California State Transportation Agency (CalSTA) to convene a Zero Traffic Fatalities Task Force (ZTFTF) comprised of experts from across the state to brainstorm, evaluate, and recommend alternatives to the current speed-limit-setting methodology. In January 2020, CalSTA released its Report of Findings based on this effort, which can be found here.

The report’s recommendations focused on four topics: speed limits, engineering, enforcement, and education.

One of the recommendations (C-EN5) focused on the formalization of existing traffic control devices:

Formalize existing traffic control device uses in the CA MUTCD. The purpose of traffic control devices is to promote safety and efficiency by providing for the orderly movement of all road users. Develop and conduct a biennial survey to understand how agencies are implementing traffic control devices then analyze whether updates to the CA MUTCD should be made through the CTCDC or whether statewide experiments should be created.

As a first step in implementing this recommendation, Caltrans is conducting this online survey.

Thank you very much for your input.

Select this link to access this short survey.

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