FHWA Information Transportation Systems Web-based Trainings

Federal Highway Association’s (FHWA) National Highway Institute has recently updated some of their Information transportation systems (ITS) Web-based Training (WBT) to help learners understand the basics of ITS and its benefits when applied to future transportation projects in regards to planning, designing, and managing.

ITS: What, Why, and How (FHWA-NHI-137050)
This WBT is an updated introductory training to the basics of ITS. It covers the past and present methods by which ITS applications have been used to address transportation challenges.

Improving Highway Safety with ITS (FHWA-NHI-137070)
In this updated training, public and private sector transportation practitioners will be provided with a contextual deep dive into ITS technologies with the highest potential for safety benefits. It explains how ITS technologies have been used to address transportation safety challenges and how an agency can incorporate the use of those technologies into their transportation safety planning processes.

Systems Engineering Fundamentals for ITS (FHWA-NHI-137051)
This course is an introduction to systems engineering for ITS project managers and project staff. The goal is to provide individuals with a basic understanding of the benefits to applying systems engineering approaches as a means of developing quality systems.

Visit NHI’s website to learn more about these WBTs, view additional training, and register today!

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