FAQ for Air Quality Interagency Consultation (IAC)

1) Is the particulate matter Interagency Consultation process related to air quality conformity?

2) What criteria pollutants is Interagency Consultation related to?
PM10 and PM2.5

3) Does Interagency Consultation apply to areas that are in attainment for PM10 and PM2.5?

Does it apply to areas that are in attainment for PM10 and in nonattainment for PM2.5?

4) Does Interagency Consultation apply to both 23 USC 326 projects and 23 USC 327projects or just 23 USC 327 projects?
Both 23 USC 326 projects and 23 USC 327 projects

5) What agencies are involved in IAC?
Local, state, and federal transportation planning, transit, and air quality agencies such as FHWA, FTA, MPOs, Caltrans, CARB, and transit districts.

6) In metropolitan areas, what agency typically organizes the Interagency Consultation meetings?

7) Does Interagency Consultation need to occur prior to NEPA approval?

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